Suráfrica y Jacob Zuma
Sunday, 26 de April de 2009 por Ramón
¿Quién es el presidente electo de Suráfrica?
Jacob Zuma es un tradicionalista zulú que dejó el colegio a los 12 años. Se ha divorciado dos veces, pero aún tiene cuatro esposas y, según dicen, está a punto de casarse con una quinta; y ha tenido, que se sepa, 18 hijos. En los seis últimos años se le ha acusado (sin que prosperara judicialmente) de violación y de fraude, y de aquí a 10 días será elegido presidente de Suráfrica. Dado que es el candidato del gobernante Congreso Nacional Africano (ANC, en sus siglas en inglés), el de Nelson Mandela, no hay nada, fuera de la mala salud o una muerte inesperada, que impida que Zuma, de 67 años, se convierta en líder del país más rico y democrático del continente africano.
(Más en Zuma, el Reagan africano. Crónica de John Carlin publicada en El País el 12-04-2009).
Del mismo autor The Coronation of Jacob Zuma en Next (19-04-2009).
David Frost frente a Jacob Zuma (25-04-08).
El partido de Nelson Mandela, el Congreso Nacional Africano (ANC en sus siglas en inglés) gana las elecciones con amplitud, pero se queda una décima corto de la mayoría de dos tercios.
Excelente crónica de Alex Duval Smith: ANC wins again in South Africa, but new party weakens its control publicada en The Guardian.
Resultados oficiales
Congreso Nacional Africano (ANC)
The ANC received a 65.90% win of the 17,680,729 valid votes cast. It received the support of 11,650,748 voters, 65.9% of the votes. The ANC had, based on the high number of its votes, secured 264 seats in the national assembly and 126 on the national provincial list.Alianza Democrátic (DA)
The Democratic Alliance, the official opposition party received a 16.66% of votes with 2,945,829 South Africans backing the party. The Democratic Alliance received 67 seats in the national assembly and 16 provincially.
Congreso del Pueblo (COPE)
Newcomer Congress of the People received 7.42 percent with 1,311,027 votes. COPE took 30 seats in the larger legislature and 16 provincially.
Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)
The Inkatha Freedom Party received 18 seats in the national assembly and nine in the provincial legislature.UDM, FF+ and ID
Neck and neck, the United Democratic Movement, Freedom Front Plus and Independent Democrats each received four seats in the national assembly and three spots on the provincial list.The minnows
The Pan Africanists Congress of Azania received one seat in parliament and one on the provincial list. The United Christian Democratic Party received two in the national house and one in the provincial one. The African Christian Democratic Party received three seats in Parliament and three in the national provincial list. The Azanian People’s Organisation, the Azanian People’s Convention and the Minority Front received one seat in each house.
Para conocer mejor Suráfrica, recomiendo el documental Motherland.
On December 1, 2006, six women from diverse backgrounds came together to take a very unique trip: a 17-day intensive pilgrimage to volunteer in rural South Africa. Prior to the journey, these six women did not know each other. However they all shared one thing in common: they had all suffered the death of a child. With grief in their hearts and the willingness to make a difference, this intrepid group of women traveled half way around the world to live with local African families and to work with African organizations dedicated to improving the lives of children. “Motherland” is a documentary film that reveals what happened, and the lives that were forever changed, on this journey of hope and healing.
(Más en Read The Story)
¿Se ha estrenado ya el documental Motherland? En la web que enlazas habla de un estreno para mediados de este año. Gracias.
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Suráfrica y Jacob Zuma | En la boca del lobo