Refinanciar y no refundar
Friday, 3 de April de 2009 por Ramón
Gran definición de la cumbre del G-20 leída en Guerra eterna: en lugar de refundar el capitalismo (nadie en su juicio lo esperaba) se ha refinanciado (y veremos con qué eficacia).
Son muy significativas algunas lecturas post partido.
- Ducan Green de la ONG Oxfam se siente “inusualmente optimista”.
- El editorial del The New York Times rebaja un poco el entusiasmo inicial:
In normal times we don’t expect a lot from summit meetings. But with the global economy imploding, leaders at Thursday’s meeting of the world’s top 20 economic powers had an urgent responsibility to come up with concrete policies to fix the global financial system and restore growth. They fell short.
The meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin — and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past. The leaders pledged to fight protectionism and to help badly battered developing countries and — putting their money where their mouths are — committed $1 trillion for loans and trade guarantees. The group also agreed to crack down on tax havens and, on a country-by-country basis, impose stricter financial regulations on hedge funds and rating agencies — necessary though insufficient steps to avoid a repeat of the current disaster.
- Interesante también el resumen de Slate: “El G-20 sorprende a muchos decidiendo algo”.
Y en The Guardian, el siempre genial Steve Bell: